LME Metal Purchase indicators –Steel, Aluminum, Nickel, Cobalt, Lithium Hydroxide price and market overview

The Electric bike materials purchase indicators are like below:

Moving commodities in July: Aluminium -5.2%, Nickel -6.3%, Lithium Hydroxide -11.8% and plastics in general (LLDPE (foil), PVC (foil), PC (clear bright) on average -7.4%). Crude oil (-10.8%) and rubber (-6.9%) dropped as well. Other materials moved within narrow ranges and the same applied to main currency pairs. Container shipping rates continued to rise from already elevated levels, Shanghai – EU+9.8% and China-EU +27%.


LME Metal Purchase indicators –Steel, Aluminum, Nickel, Cobalt, Lithium Hydroxide price and market overview

Original: www.lme.com

LME metals in 12 months: (USD/Ton)

Indicator Aug-23 Sep-23 Oct-23 Nov-23 Dec-23 Jan-24 Feb-24 Mar-24 Apr-24 May-24 Jun-24 Jul-24
Steel LME Far East 3 months 375 380 370 400 415 410 405 385 385 385 385 390
Aluminium LME 3 months 2,150 2,200 2,180 2,180 2,230 2,200 2,180 2,200 2,500 2,600 2,480 2,350
Aluminium China local 18,600 19,170 19,000 18,800 18,920 18,900 18,800 19,160 20,000 21,000 21,000 20,000
Nickel 20,500 19,500 18,290 16,500 16,400 16,100 16,200 17,500 18,600 19,800 17,500 16,400
Copper 8,380 8,300 7,950 8,250 8,450 8,350 8,350 8,730 9,400 10,100 9,600 9,400
Cobalt (3 months buyer) 32,500 32,500 32,500 32,500 30,000 28,200 27,900 27,780 27,600 26,900 26,300 25,900
Lithium Hydroxide 35500 28500 24000 21000 17000 15000 13250 13270 13700 14300 13600 12000


Steel: prices hardly moved (from USD 385/ton to USD 390/ton in July, and to ~USD 371/ton as of today), as news on continued demand weakness persisted in China:

  • China mandated new (higher) material quality standards starting in September, driving mills and traders to flood the market with old stockpiles.
  • China’s economy grew less than expected in Q2, and home prices slumped the most in nine years. The data reduced the global demand and Chinese economic output.


Aluminium: price dropped from USD 2,480/ton to USD 2,350/ton in July (-5.2%, ~USD 2,200/ton as of today), hovering near their lowest in five months.

  • Aluminum output in China rose by 6.2% y-o-y in June to 3.76 million tons, the highest since November 2014.
  • China economic data pointed at continued depressed domestic demand. Manufacturing PMI pointed to a third straight decline in July.
  • Chinese factories struggle offset the lower domestic demand with exports.

Aluminium local prices in China decreased from CNY 21,000/ton to CNY 20,000/ton in July (-4.8%, ~CNY 18,750/ton as of today).

Nickel: price dropped from USD 17.5K/ton to USD 16.4K/ton in July (-6.3%, today USD 16K/ton).

  • Rapid expansion of Indonesia’s nickel industry has driven the world market to oversupply.
  • A temporary rise earlier this year was driven by geopolitical tensions and sanctions is now unwinding.
  • Global nickel inventory forecasts predict a four-year high in 2024.
  • As a result of lower prices, BHP Group Ltd. has stopped 2 major nickel mining projects in Western Australia.


Cobalt: price decreased slightly from USD 26.3K/ton to USD 25.9k/ton in July (-1.5%, ~USD 25.6K/ton today).


Lithium Hydroxide: price declined from USD 13.6/kg to USD 12/kg in July (-11.8%, ~USD 11.3/kg today), the lowest in over three years.

  • Lithium miners and producers continued to expand capacity and seek new reserves (expected output growth is close to 50% this year).
  • Chile announced to double their output over the next decade.
  • The EU charges 38% and USA charges 100% import tax on Chinese EV, causing a 15% export drop in June.


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