The China Export Data of E-bike to worldwide

No. Period PartnerCode PartnerISO Chinese name CmdCode AltQty NetWgt Fobvalue PrimaryValue
1 2023 840 United States of America 美国 87116000 4564241 80922640 1288784794 1288784794
2 2023 528 Netherlands 荷兰 87116000 827930 18413706 264415347 264415347
3 2023 616 Poland 波兰 87116000 525644 12542092 168786320 168786320
4 2023 392 Japan 日本 87116000 333263 9604344 159955725 159955725
5 2023 276 Germany 德国 87116000 565114 12026113 156907756 156907756
6 2023 124 Canada 加拿大 87116000 321295 7829208 145769316 145769316
7 2023 410 Rep. of Korea 大韩民国 87116000 288139 8852440 134983519 134983519
8 2023 643 Russian Federation 俄罗斯联邦 87116000 375883 9750864 132362243 132362243
9 2023 360 Indonesia 印度尼西亚 87116000 715453 38350790 121881720 121881720
10 2023 699 India 印度 87116000 440978 34010820 117009759 117009759
11 2023 36 Australia 澳大利亚 87116000 264009 5540744 110159908 110159908
12 2023 250 Metropolitan France 法国 87116000 349483 7303770 108493450 108493450
13 2023 792 Turkey 土耳其 87116000 359089 24222117 107969129 107969129
14 2023 826 United Kingdom 英国 87116000 463432 6863349 102971342 102971342
15 2023 704 Viet Nam 越南 87116000 317246 13616793 92492449 92492449
16 2023 724 Spain 西班牙 87116000 272647 5840133 84895738 84895738
17 2023 608 Philippines 菲律宾 87116000 195457 22311650 79378155 79378155
18 2023 764 Thailand 泰国 87116000 242619 12328398 75470227 75470227
19 2023 860 Uzbekistan 乌兹别克斯坦 87116000 153336 20499683 64485473 64485473
20 2023 380 Italy 意大利 87116000 214980 4607178 61172695 61172695
21 2023 56 Belgium 比利时 87116000 245554 4423358 60328208 60328208
22 2023 484 Mexico 墨西哥 87116000 317725 9284274 60076475 60076475
23 2023 300 Greece 希腊 87116000 130941 3752360 57113792 57113792
24 2023 757 Switzerland 瑞士 87116000 106126 2474346 50789865 50789865
25 2023 398 Kazakhstan 哈萨克斯坦 87116000 191255 8399856 42712878 42712878
26 2023 376 Israel 以色列 87116000 86765 2478801 42532155 42532155
27 2023 76 Brazil 巴西 87116000 174861 5605123 42434270 42434270
28 2023 784 United Arab Emirates 阿拉伯联合酋长国 87116000 215300 4753418 41919954 41919954
29 2023 578 Norway, excluding Svalbard and Jan Mayen 挪威(不包括斯瓦尔巴群岛和扬马延岛) 87116000 59581 1442368 38793096 38793096
30 2023 554 New Zealand 新西兰 87116000 40120 942245 30500397 30500397
31 2023 642 Romania 罗马尼亚 87116000 71423 3265118 22199074 22199074
32 2023 752 Sweden 瑞典 87116000 77773 1646089 21635296 21635296
33 2023 682 Saudi Arabia 沙特阿拉伯 87116000 135510 2416373 21303621 21303621
34 2023 417 Kyrgyzstan 吉尔吉斯斯坦 87116000 65316 4733406 20030393 20030393
35 2023 218 Ecuador 厄瓜多尔 87116000 59582 4320129 19400547 19400547
36 2023 203 Czechia 捷克 87116000 55806 1679444 17686950 17686950
37 2023 591 Panama 巴拿马 87116000 59199 1843375 16809481 16809481
38 2023 705 Slovenia 斯洛文尼亚 87116000 46546 1248363 15448570 15448570
39 2023 170 Colombia 哥伦比亚 87116000 55956 1749157 15014941 15014941
40 2023 344 China, Hong Kong SAR 香港 87116000 44780 827084 13600685 13600685
41 2023 40 Austria 奥地利 87116000 29833 1261124 13326257 13326257
42 2023 368 Iraq 伊拉克 87116000 67795 2853529 13106032 13106032
43 2023 604 Peru 秘鲁 87116000 38711 2551321 12771949 12771949
44 2023 458 Malaysia 马来西亚 87116000 47485 1481644 12461802 12461802
45 2023 418 Lao People’s Dem. Rep. 老挝人民民主共和国 87116000 46351 2939042 12086264 12086264
46 2023 152 Chile 智利 87116000 44050 1494890 11251957 11251957
47 2023 191 Croatia 克罗地亚 87116000 31580 1082607 10345855 10345855
48 2023 116 Cambodia 柬埔寨 87116000 49566 2526866 10092841 10092841
49 2023 32 Argentina 阿根廷 87116000 26504 836479 9562708 9562708
50 2023 246 Finland 芬兰 87116000 19576 714628 9497348 9497348
51 2023 192 Cuba 古巴 87116000 12011 2088468 9215328 9215328
52 2023 702 Singapore 新加坡 87116000 13289 524772 9171630 9171630
53 2023 804 Ukraine 乌克兰 87116000 23156 1379451 8370997 8370997
54 2023 858 Uruguay 乌拉圭 87116000 51366 763516 8016498 8016498
55 2023 348 Hungary 匈牙利 87116000 25145 1500906 7721119 7721119
56 2023 620 Portugal 葡萄牙 87116000 27399 1123193 7526902 7526902
57 2023 440 Lithuania 立陶宛 87116000 17064 596573 6955781 6955781
58 2023 100 Bulgaria 保加利亚 87116000 16771 953653 6442203 6442203
59 2023 104 Myanmar 缅甸 87116000 19138 1583381 6306592 6306592
60 2023 586 Pakistan 巴基斯坦 87116000 23509 1436610 5772783 5772783
61 2023 208 Denmark 丹麦 87116000 21095 536947 5726241 5726241
62 2023 204 Benin 贝宁 87116000 5377 671269 5650279 5650279
63 2023 818 Egypt 埃及 87116000 20759 649694 5302425 5302425
64 2023 524 Nepal 尼泊尔 87116000 6795 994332 5028101 5028101
65 2023 158 Taiwan, Province of China 中国台湾省 87116000 14591 604755 4864573 4864573
66 2023 768 Togo 多哥 87116000 4547 547709 4822406 4822406
67 2023 710 South Africa 南非 87116000 17007 536029 4805861 4805861
68 2023 703 Slovakia 斯洛伐克 87116000 8713 322687 4784116 4784116
69 2023 144 Sri Lanka 斯里兰卡 87116000 8654 482679 4425084 4425084
70 2023 504 Morocco 摩洛哥 87116000 9727 527037 4322155 4322155
71 2023 762 Tajikistan 塔吉克斯坦 87116000 10798 840672 4252949 4252949
72 2023 328 Guyana 圭亚那 87116000 13956 678987 3985433 3985433
73 2023 446 China, Macao SAR 澳门 87116000 1850 195727 3265702 3265702
74 2023 112 Belarus 白俄罗斯 87116000 9041 504148 2839324 2839324
75 2023 372 Ireland 爱尔兰 87116000 16162 212966 2654522 2654522
76 2023 50 Bangladesh 孟加拉国 87116000 6370 603962 2565554 2565554
77 2023 352 Iceland 冰岛 87116000 3503 119185 2563887 2563887
78 2023 512 Oman 阿曼 87116000 9028 275287 2523205 2523205
79 2023 388 Jamaica 牙买加 87116000 4067 255571 2324294 2324294
80 2023 566 Nigeria 尼日利亚 87116000 9944 698629 2263139 2263139
81 2023 404 Kenya 肯尼亚 87116000 2628 298839 2116598 2116598
82 2023 862 Venezuela 委内瑞拉 87116000 10524 274933 2079439 2079439
83 2023 422 Lebanon 黎巴嫩 87116000 5284 419561 1946030 1946030
84 2023 638 Reunion (Overseas France) 留尼旺(法国) 87116000 4449 140409 1914826 1914826
85 2023 48 Bahrain 巴林 87116000 10989 282514 1863258 1863258
86 2023 634 Qatar 卡塔尔 87116000 5761 131218 1822650 1822650
87 2023 688 Serbia 塞尔维亚 87116000 5271 263378 1812948 1812948
88 2023 834 United Rep. of Tanzania 坦桑尼亚 87116000 3785 499875 1752840 1752840
89 2023 600 Paraguay 巴拉圭 87116000 14654 195609 1670820 1670820
90 2023 320 Guatemala 危地马拉 87116000 3897 144218 1598153 1598153
91 2023 188 Costa Rica 哥斯达黎加 87116000 3293 161465 1577980 1577980
92 2023 414 Kuwait 科威特 87116000 8698 210435 1502620 1502620
93 2023 214 Dominican Rep. 多米尼加共和国 87116000 3306 188872 1494769 1494769
94 2023 258 French Polynesia 法属波利尼西亚 87116000 2552 108475 1355112 1355112
95 2023 288 Ghana 加纳 87116000 3554 252143 1343432 1343432
96 2023 462 Maldives 马尔代夫 87116000 1854 284912 1297677 1297677
97 2023 8 Albania 阿尔巴尼亚 87116000 6828 144486 1263269 1263269
98 2023 740 Suriname 苏里南 87116000 5708 323197 1183850 1183850
99 2023 196 Cyprus 塞浦路斯 87116000 2035 99785 1171670 1171670
100 2023 233 Estonia 爱沙尼亚 87116000 1606 58063 1126793 1126793

Purchase indicators of Plastics, Crude Oil, Rubber, Cotton, Sea freight, Currencies, Inflation Year, China Export rebates and China VAT

Europe Plastics prices: In July, PS (normal/clear) -4.5%, LLDPE (foil) -6.2%, PVC (foil) -7.1%, PC (clear bright) -8.8%. Original:  Unit: EUR/Ton

Indicator Aug-23 Sep-23 Oct-23 Nov-23 Dec-23 Jan-24 Feb-24 Mar-24 Apr-24 May-24 Jun-24 Jul-24
PS (normal/clear)      1,630      1,770      1,850      1,700      1,610      1,600      1,800      2,020      2,000      1,980      1,980      1,890
HDPE (injection)       1,260       1,350       1,430       1,340       1,310       1,250       1,310       1,430       1,310       1,340       1,340       1,390
LLDPE (foil)       1,270       1,380       1,470       1,390       1,370       1,290       1,370       1,440       1,310       1,290       1,290       1,210
LDPE (foil)       1,490       1,560       1,670       1,560       1,520       1,280       1,470       1,550       1,310       1,300       1,300       1,280
PVC (foil)       1,280       1,300       1,340       1,240       1,220       1,240       1,040       1,050       1,120       1,140       1,120      1,040
ABS (natural)       1,870       1,970       2,000       1,860       1,820       2,200       2,130       2,265      2,300      2,330      2,330      2,380
PC (clear bright)       4,050       4,050       4,150       4,030       3,980       3,600       3,530       3,530       3,530       3,530       3,530       3,220
PP (homo)       1,230       1,320       1,410       1,300       1,290       1,350       1,450       1,540       1,350       1,400       1,400       1,400

Crude Oil: price dropped from USD 83/bbl to USD 74/bbl in July (-10.8%).

  • Increase in oil production from U.S. and some OPEC+ members which boost supply.
  • Slower economic growth (China, Europe), leading to weaker oil demand concerns.
  • The USA released additional crude oil from their strategic reserves to stabilize or reduce prices.
  • Fears of a potential regional war (Israel, Lebanon, Iran) and stopped production due to political instability (e.g. Lybia’s largest oil field, Sharara, due to anti-government protests and security issues) give some counterweight the price decline.

Rubber: declined from USD 1,750/ton to USD 1,630/ton in July (-6.9%, USD 1,690/ton today), as concerns over global tight supplies.

  • China’s manufacturing activity fell for a third consecutive month in July, depressing demand outlooks.

Cotton: Declined from USD 1,540/ton to USD 1,500/ton in July (-2.6%, 1,450/ton as of today) due to falling oil prices and heavy selling pressure in agricultural commodities.

  • Global cotton production is projected to grow steadily, reaching 29 million tons by 2033, a 17% increase from the 2021-23 base period, with India accounting for 38%, United States at 27% and Brazil at 21% (OECD-FAO Agricultural Outlook 2024-2033′ report).
Indicator Aug-23 Sep-23 Oct-23 Nov-23 Dec-23 Jan-24 Feb-24 Mar-24 Apr-24 May-24 Jun-24 Jul-24
Crude oil (USD/bbl) 81    89 81     77        72          75         76          81          84          77          83          74
Rubber RSS3 (USD/ton)  1,330 1,420 1,450  1,470  1,550 1,500  1,550  1,650   1,630   1,720 1,750 1,630
Cotton (input for CAB)

( USD/ton)

 1,880  1,880  1,850  1,750 1,760  1,830 2,000 2,000  1,830 1,730  1,540 1,500


Sea freight indicators: Original: Original:

Shanghai – Rotterdam: increased from USD 6,500/40FT to USD 8,000/40FT (+23%)

Shanghai – Los Angeles(A/C): increased from USD 6,200/40FT to USD 7,300/40FT (+17.7%).

  • The US National Retail Federation point out that the consumer goods shipments will peak in August and the peak season to Europe might be earlier. Asia-Europe utilization levels have slipped recently. Besides the continued Red Sea diversions mean longer transit times and a need for earlier departures (end September instead of 2nd half of October).
  • Despite volumes likely reaching their peak, there is still no significant congestion at destination hubs from increased import traffic.
  • Congestion is still a factor in Singapore and has led to some spillover to Malaysia. But overall delays have decreased, with vessel wait times under two days in Singapore.

Currencies: Original:

EUR/USD: remained at 1:1.08 (0%) in July.
EUR/JPY: increased a bit from 1:170.05 to 1:171.12 (+0.6%).
EUR/CNY: increased from 1:7.80 to 1:7.87. (+0.9%).
USD/JPY: decreased from 1: 158.04 to 1:157.71. (-0.2%).
USD/TWD: increased from 1: 32.39 to 1:32.63 (+0.7%).
USD/CNY: increase from 1:7.25 to 1:7.26. (+0.1%).

Indicator Aug-23 Sep-23 Oct-23 Nov-23 Dec-23 Jan-24 Feb-24 Mar-24 Apr-24 May-24 Jun-24 Jul-24
EUR/USD 1.09 1.07 1.06 1.08 1.09 1.09 1.08 1.09 1.07 1.08 1.08 1.08
EUR/JPY 157.89 157.77 157.95 161.99 157.03 159.35 161.20 162.71 165.04 168.36 170.05 171.12
EUR/CNY  7.89 7.78 7.69 7.79 7.76 7.75 7.72 7.82 7.76 7.81 7.80 7.87
EUR/TWD 34.70 34.20 34.10 34.48 34.08 34.01 33.88 34.41 34.67 34.90 34.84 35.40
USD/JPY 144.74 147.72 149.54 149.84 144.08 146.06 149.44 149.77 153.94 155.76 158.04 157.71
USD/NT$ 31.81 32.02 32.28 31.90 31.27 31.18 31.42 31.68 32.34 32.30 32.39 32.63
USD/CNY 7.23 7.29 7.28 7.21 7.12 7.10 7.16 7.20 7.24 7.23 7.25 7.26
EUR/VND 26,000 25,850 25,850 26,300 26,460 26,700 26,390 26,850 26,990 27,500 27,370 27,500
USD/THB 35.00 35.79 36.47 35.44 34.97 35.15 35.84 35.94 36.75 36.60 36.71 36.23


Inflation Year on Year %, China Export rebates and China VAT

Indicator Aug-23 Sep-23 Oct-23 Nov-23 Dec-23 Jan-24 Feb-24 Mar-24 Apr-24 May-24 Jun-24 Jul-24
Japan Inflation (CPI) YOY % 3.20% 3.00% 3.30% 2.80% 2.60% 2.20% 2.80% 2.70% 2.50% 2.80% 2.80%
Taiwan Inflation (CPI) YOY % 2.52% 2.93% 3.05% 2.90% 2.71% 1.79% 3.08% 2.14% 1.95% 2.24% 2.42%
China Inflation (CPI) YOY % 0.10% 0.00% -0.20% -0.50% -0.30% -0.80% 0.70% 0.10% 0.30% 0.30% 0.20%
Vietnam Inflation (CPI) YOY % 2.96% 3.66% 3.59% 3.45% 3.58% 3.37% 3.98% 3.97% 4.40% 4.44% 4.34% 4.36%
China Export rebates 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13%
China VAT 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13% 13%


The electric scooter market is zooming. Will profits catch up?

The electric scooter market is zooming. Will profits catch up?

Investors are pouring their money into electric scooter companies like Bird, one of the fastest-growing startups in history.

Marketed as eco-friendly alternatives to cars, scooters can help urban consumers bridge the “first and last mile,” the short distance between commuters’ homes and workplaces and larger transportation hubs, such as bus terminals or subway stations.

WATCH: Why the rise of the electric scooter has been a bumpy ride

The scooters are already on the streets in dozens of cities in the U.S., Canada and Europe. Bird, the first of the major electric scooter companies to launch in the U.S., is valued at $2 billion.

But will all the hype — and billions of dollars in investment — be supported by the business model?

That depends on whom you ask and what numbers you are using. Data leaked to The Information shows Bird has a 19 percent profit margin on its scooters, but that does not cover the cost of replacing the scooters or the cost of management and advertising. Adding those in could make the entire business unprofitable.

So how is a company like Bird valued at $2 billion?

The same question could be asked of electric car company Tesla, which is valued at $58 billion and has never had a profitable year. Or Twitter, which is valued at $25 billion, but only had its first profitable quarter in its 12-year history in February.

Sometimes, “the math doesn’t make sense,” said Harry Alford, the co-founder of the venture development firm Humble Ventures.

The main reason for the disconnect is that investors are betting on future profits, not what a company is making today.

Alford said when companies are just getting off the ground, there are often no profits to assess. Instead, investors look at the quality of three things: the management team, the current product and the market for that product.

When competition is fierce

The market for a product is key. So is being the first to market.

“You really have to think about where you are going to be distributing your product or service before the incumbents figure out what you are even doing,” Alford said.

The scooter market is a good example. Bird launched its scooters in September of 2017. A host of companies–Lime, Scoot, Spin, Lyft and Uber–quickly followed suit, debuting their own two-wheeled ventures this year. (Uber operates JUMP scooters and recently bought a share of Lime. Ford Motor Company announced this week it is buying Spin.)

Now it’s a battle to see who can grab the most market share as companies drop thousands of scooters on the streets for consumers to try.

Bird and Lime operate in dozens of mid- to large-sized cities across the country. JUMP and Lyft’s operations are limited to a few locations.

The companies’ markets often overlap, creating fierce competition. All four companies operate in Santa Monica, California, for example.

“These are network businesses whose competitiveness improves with scale,” i.e. increasing the size of the operation, said Juan Matute, the deputy director of the UCLA Institute of Transportation Studies.

The more scooters a company has on the street, the more likely people are to use that company’s app on a regular basis, and that builds customer loyalty, which boosts profits.

When the profits don’t come in

But expansion does not automatically mean profit. Often, the profits never come.

Investors lose trust that they will make their money back and stop injecting capital, the cash needed to operate its business drys up and the company goes belly up.

This is not at all unusual. After all, nine out of 10 startups fail.

Plus, all of those scooters also come with liabilities, which the companies, and their investors, must take into consideration.

San Francisco and Denver temporarily banned scooters until they could establish regulations.

Bird and Lime have been named in a class-action lawsuit that alleges their negligence led to both riders and pedestrians being injured.

So far, investors still see the potential for profit despite the setbacks.

Keeping an eye on the next big thing

Investors are also looking for companies that are forward-thinking. Remember, the value of a company is all about the future — future profits, that is.

Bird has told investors it is looking for ways to boost its profit margins by reducing the cost of charging the electric-powered scooters and by lengthening the lifespan of the scooters, which cost about $550 each to replace based on The Information’s data.

Lyft and Uber, which are both planning to go public next year, jumped into the scooter market when they saw the potential for profits.

Andrew Savage, the vice president at Lime, told the PBS NewsHour that its business model has been focused on solving the “first and last mile” transportation issues. But he said Lime is already looking down the road to deliver a “second and third mile” solution.

“We’re still a young company. We’re still evolving and developing new products that will help solve the suite of issues that cities are facing around the country and globe,” Savage said.

Lime announced this week that it is launching a car-share program in Seattle.

Valuations are different for private companies as opposed to those publicly owned on the stock exchange. A publicly owned company’s “market cap” valuation, which is based on its stock price and is calculated differently than private company valuations, can change daily.

Take this Macro Trends chart of Twitter’s market cap for example:

The value changes when stockholders react to any kind of news they think could benefit or hurt the company’s future profits. A quarterly earnings report that shows a company is bringing in more revenue, for example, might give investors more incentive to buy the stock and boost the company’s value.

Alford cautions that even long stretches of losses do not mean entrepreneurs and investors should throw in the towel.

“In those situations, you keep trying to iterate and pivot until you find out that sustainable solution,” he said.

That could take years — 12 in the case of Twitter. But, in the end, investors are betting it will be worth the wait.

A Better Life, A Better World, a Manufacturer with Heart

Improve peoples’ lives. Make the world a better place. These are the simple guiding principles that have inspired every VEHICOOL product, technology and solution for nearly 4 years. For most of that time, that’s meant developing innovative consumer technologies and products. Today, as we approach our fouth anniversary, VEHICOOL is in the midst of an ongoing transformation to pursue the vision set forth by our Founder on a much larger scale, providing integrated technology solutions to businesses and municipalities, empowering them to enhance the experiences of their customers and citizens.

Since the founding of our company in 2015, VEHICOOL Technology co., limited have been providing better living for our customers, always making “people” central to our activities, and thus focusing on “people’s lives.” Going forward as well, based on our innovative electric scooters technology, we will provide a wide variety of electric scooters. In various spaces and areas, we will continue to work hard to offer new value for better living, and help realize “A Better Life, A Better World” for each individual customer.

Every moment of every day, people all over the world turn to VEHICOOL to make their lives simpler, more enjoyable, more productive and more secure. Since our founding, we’ve been committed to improving peoples’ live and making the world a better place–one customer, one business, one technological leap forward at a time. VEHICOOL is a High-End Electric Scooters Manufacturer. We offers a great selection of High-End Electric Scooters to customers all over the world! We strive to deliver an extraordinary experience in Safety, Riding and Quality!

“Our main purpose is to manufacture superior products for daily use that improve the quality of life for everyone. From this point on, our full powers will be devoted to this mission.”

VEHICOOL Located in the most famous technology city in China – Shenzhen. VEHICOOL is one of the largest High-End Electric Scooter Manufacturers in China. We are manufacturing the High-End Electric Scooters for more than 4 years.

And while some may still think of us merely as a electric scooters company, we are a global provider of comprehensive solutions for businesses as well as consumers — solutions for your electric scooters design, your electric scooters business and OEM Service. 

Our Mission

From the very beginning, VEHICOOL has been dedicated to improving people’s lives and making the world a better place. Doing business with us you will see how our products, technologies and comprehensive solutions are helping to do just that.

Building More Joy and Happiness

Wherever you find VEHICOOL, you find a happy meeting. VEHICOOL’s products, services and enhanced technologies make for a better future for all of us. VEHICOOL has been consistently evolving via innovation and changes to its business culture. VEHICOOL will try to make a happier world by fulfilling its role and responsibility as a civilian company without blind adherence to a short-term profit directive. 

Our Future

We look forward to improving our skills and abilities to better serve your needs and your wants. We are excited about the prospect of providing those products and services that will enhance the quality of your life and if we fall short at any time please drop us a line to let us know how we might have done better and we will take actions to correct that in the future. Toward “A Better Life, A Better World”. 

Listening to the needs of our customers is our top priority. We work hard to improve our engineering and manufacturing capabilities and to commit ourselves to the pursuit of better lives for people. That is exactly how we at VEHICOOL aspire to bring “A Better Life, A Better World” to each and every customer.

We are taking a new step forward into our next 10 years. Please join us in our endeavors as we continue to advance toward the future.

From the entire team here at VEHICOOL, we wish you good health and abundant prosperity.